So I was treating myself to some kill-time-on-the-interwebs time because I can (I really shouldn't be, but I feared I was going insane earlier today and thought it might be a good idea to give the old brain a rest), and realized i update my blog a lot less than other people. Additionally, I make mid-sized life announcements on other people's blogs. like that I'm working on my very first full-length comic book and it should be done by the end of the calendar year. I'll most definitely put some pages from it up here i the coming days/weeks and probably sell it through etsy or something for as cheap as possible (I'm not trying to make buckets o' cash money, I just love the idea of a narrative you can hold and turn pages and such...not that I don't like webcomics too, I'm just a tad old-fashioned). But with announcement-time out of the way, here's some other stuff I've been plugging away at.
poster design I did for a concert at my college |
some pictures I took when I was ever so briefly in LA |
nighttime freeway picture..I just love taking these |
another nighttime freeway picture |
got the chance to see okgo while I was home |
that's right...handbells. |
Damien taking a picture of me (and 1000 other people) taking a picture of him taking a picture of me... |
you wish you were here |
confetti cannons are rad |
if you're confetti or awesomeness allergic, you probably shouldn't see okgo |
fuzzy glowing laser shooting guitars...EPIC. |
love it? hate it? don't care? comment.